
Chemtrails hearing EU Parliament, Brussels, 9 April 2013

Chemtrails hearing EU Parliament, Brussels, 9 April 2013

Holy Cow: Former Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Says Every Single Reactor in the U.S. Should Be Shut Down | Alternet

The first thing to remember about nuclear power is that it’s not safe. Just ask Japan.
The second thing to remember is that nuclear power isn’t cheap. 
Connecticut draws half its juice from nuclear reactors and has the second-highest rates in the country, after Hawaii.
The third thing to know is that everybody lies about it. The power plant designers lie, the builders lie, the utility companies lie, the regulators lie, and the politicians lie.
Take Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the utility that ran the reactors in Japan’s Fukushima prefecture that failed after a tsunami and earthquake struck. TEPCO still won’t admit just how serious a disaster that was and continues to be.
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Holy Cow: Former Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Says Every Single Reactor in the U.S. Should Be Shut Down | Alternet