
Google+ on Youtube is the worst idea in Internet history

The atrocities of Youtube G+ Integration

As we all know, thanks to the selfless acts of Edward Snowden, we are being spied on by our illustrious leaders. 
All our online profile data is being taken from use regardless of who we are and our rights for privacy according to the Data Protection Act.
So now Youtube, which is now owned by Google is forcing people to openly give out their own personal data, including their full legal name on their profile with a forced new Google Plus Account and Channel for all to see when you comment and post.

Firstly, I do not want to show my Full name, and I certainly don't want a Google+ Account after hearing of Google's less thn legal ties with "Police State" GCHQ and NSA.

And if you don't want to you end up saying what I am saying now:

I cannot comment, and I no longer have any of my subscribed channels or playlists, they are all gone, unless I comply

I have spent untold hours, days, even weeks organising my playlists, carefully selecting videos that I beleive are worth watching and sharing.

And now it's all gone. 
I'd rather stick to my original YouTube identity thanks. I refuse to be forced into something I don't need.

If this stance they have does not change (they are perpetually asking users even if they opt out) I will send Google a request for ALL of my data in the correct readable media format i request on CD. Including my Gmail Emails all incoming and sent, all my interactions on YouTube, playlists, comments, the lot, using the Data Protection Act, then delete my YouTube account and request all data on me be deleted permanently and not transferred.
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Public organization to sue Google on personal data protection

A public organization, the Ukrainian Association of Personal Data Protection (UAPDP), is to bring an action against Google on personal data protection, Chairman of the State Service for the Protection of Personal Data Oleksiy Mervinsky said at the press conference in Kyiv.


Just finished watching V (2009 TV Series)

Myself and my wife decided recently to watch the remade TV series "V", which only lasted two seasons, but poignantly displays the actions of a foreign race of creatures actively deceiving and "upgrade", undermine and overtake earth's technologies in order to dominate, kill, and enslave them, and ultimately use them to reproduce and greaten their numbers.

Much of what I saw scarily reflected the attitudes of today's goverments, who seem to have been slowly turning thier interests away from the looking after the interests of the voting public, and towards the wealthy and big corporations.

It closely mirroed alot of the new laws implemented that degrade human rights and privacy, and wrongly and deceitfully mark and publicise any member of the public as a potential "threat" or "terrorist" in order to make urther progress in their malevolent and secretive self serving agendas.

It ends on a cliffhanger, and the turn of events thoughout the 2nd season are sickeningly familiar, especially the way the the Mass Media portrays events, knowing that there is always a potrayal forced through by liars and controlling entities who want the public to hear what will allow these liars entities to keep control and stay in power and business.

Also something that stands out is the fact that this strongly reflects the rise of the Nazi Regime, and how eventually it is forced to show it's true colours, but sometimes too late for some or all to do anything about it...

It reminds me how most Nazi Soldiers were forced into subscrption, and most were "just following orders or bribed and mortally threatened into doing unspeakable things. Being mostly sent to their certain death an being rendered unable to proect their own family, even having them kidnapped by their own leaders.

If you watch this from this angle, you can see that ost wars had victims within it's own ranks, and to label someone who has previously suffered being trapped by these terrible wars and regimes, before you know for certain their own story, is not always the right thing to do. Jesus said it best, let him without sin cast the first stone...

Police Brutality (police taser video UK)

This shows UK Police needlessly and repeatdly tasering and violently punching a man on the streets. It's plain to see they were not doing this in defence obut in offence, and at those moments, unprovoked

9/11 Accurately Predicted & Portrayed by "The Lone Gunmen"

I was going to ad this to a youtube playlist but they seem to have removed al of my playlists, thanks to this pathetic and angering attempt to force people into switching their account to Google+

This is from the a single seasoned 2001 X-Files Spin off called The Lone Gunmen,
Aired in March 2001, 6 Months before it acually happened.

This depicts the very thing that happened on 9/11, with the plan of increased international sales of weapons from America as a result of the "incident" for more profit. Remember all the money that has been announced missing from the pentagon the day before, and the fact that it is entirely possibly to control a plane from any computer or mobile device. Remember Building seven had been reported as collapsed from a few office fires with not plane impacts 20 minutes before it actually happened, and that FOX, who aired this series who first showed the videos of the 2nd plane hitting, which has been proven as edited and transposed, and the plane appearing from nowhere (There is a documentray somewhere showing this) after the camera zoomed in.Note how the video faded out before and after the actual nose impact. It's all out there on youtube...

Also remember that some of the accused terrorists from the plane are still miraculously alive, and the only surviving contents that made it without being pulverised from inside the WTC towers and planes hit them was an unburnt, pristine condition passport and sheets of paper, not even a phone keypad, office chair was found, and Molten steel was found in the basement 6 weeks after.