

Aspartame is being replaced by sucralose (Splenda, E995) and Neotame (E961), but these sweeteners are also highly toxic!

Mercola Sweet deception:

Tragically, the truth is this: artificial sweeteners such as Splenda and Nutrasweet are NOT healthy – or safe.



License to Kill? UK approved sale of nerve gas chemicals to Syria

The UK Authorized the selling of the Industrial Waste Chemical Flouride to Syria thorugh an un-named company (Likely Bayer/Monsanto, that was 10 month after civial war started there.

Flouride is a KEY ingredient of Sarin Gas AND Toothpaste, also in Tap Water

This post on Twitter makes me wonder:

31 Aug :
Syria’s President Assad Bans GMOs in Food, Obama poisoning us with foods Appoints Monsanto's VP to FDA

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