
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

Have some of that!

Dead Space Xbox 360 Trailer

Mirror's Edge Screenshots for Xbox 360

Check out these Mirror's Edge Screenshots. It looks graphically awesome

Spherical Water Formation Experiments

Waves In A Large Free Sphere Of Water - Click here for the funniest movie of the week

Spherical Water Formation Experiments


Actually I'll have this instead!


Archos 5 250GB Internet Media Tablet WiFi 5",High: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo

I have an old Archos AV700, it won't record stuff. But it's still under warranty and eligible for exchange. So I'm hoping to get this!

Archos 5 250GB Internet Media Tablet WiFi 5",High: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo


A Lonely Christmas

It's a Lonely Chritmas for Batman


8 People Who Will Ruin Your Party

Now this is true

List Of The Day: 8 People Who Will Ruin Your Party


List of unusual deaths - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of unusual deaths - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Budweiser telephone

I was browsing eBay to buy myself an antique 50s/60s rotary phone, and came across this.

Pointz, it's for you! Bet you'd love this is in your bachelor pad

RETRO BUDWEISER HOME TELEPHONE - ORIGINAL 1980'S on eBay, also, Novelty Character Phones, Home Phones, Mobile Home Phones (end time 27-Oct-08 16:08:48 GMT)


another brand of Zimmers

The Zimmers I noticed is in fact a Rock Band name shared by at least two bands. The generically younger of the two being actually really impressive

It seems they play classical rock songs which are actually featured int the Rock Band video game, which I love to play.


Breaking Toilets and breaking records

Mr. Jerky,

Didn't you once have a neighbor that did this for a living while permanently drunk?

Oh and the images after the clip has ended are rather disturbing too. I can smell the rancidity from here


What The Zimmers did next - Firestarter

It seems the oldest (member's age wise) Rock Band in the world, The Zimmers are really going for it. Respect due. It's better than trying to pass them on a narrow footpath to catch your bus on time, at least.

BBC NEWS | Magazine | What The Zimmers did next