
I Drink Your Cookies!

Hi there you tossers!

Sorry got a little excited about making a bizarre intro. Oh well, deal with it as they say...

Today's Main Story

Upon accidentally switching to Big Brother and sticking to it at 4 am the other day as there was nothing else on, and getting considerably drunk (as you do), I noticed this Crazy Cookie mad woman (Kathreya) in "The Chair". Since then it seems she's the "talk of the town".

Anyways, I was just at a party with my colleagues last night, and it was mentioned. So today I thought, hey this is going to be some famous shit, like a quote of note. And so, in my wisdom and boredom (note the name of this blog), I decided to create this. I recommend turning your speakers down a little!



  1. Dude, you can't drink cookies. Also, that "Kathreya" woman sounds like an annoying bitch.

  2. Big Brother is for losers, gays, and "bullshot". If I catch you doing another update on Big Brother I'll give "bullshot" your address and he'll bum you and run away.

    Good day.

  3. what the fuck

    "pointz" take note that I am watching you and I will run a houselift on your bum.

  4. Duly noted and disregarded at the same time.

  5. Disregarded, huh? Spare a thought for the old arse, mate


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