
Nonsense Talk


The Censored Identity of The Westmimster Terrorist is...

Abu Izzadeen, who was a known Islamic pro Daesh Hate Preacher, and also protected by Metropolitan Police Officers two years ago when Britain First Protest agents exposed and showed him up in the streets.

The mainstream media are currently playing innocent on this knowledge, making out that he is Asian complex, when photos plainly show thsy he is of an Arab description.

It seems they want to protect or hide us from the very real threat of the Four Stages of Islamic Conquest.

It seems plain to me that this was simply swwn as a test of military and police strength and thencapital's defence capabilities by the Islamic Jihadist movement and IS.


Did US Elite execute Failed Attempt to Assassinate Roger Stone?


Trump Brings Back Technology stolen by Darpa


Sharia Compliancy in US Military?



Police Chief Fired for Proposing Sharia Law Ban (You know, the Muslim laws that allow murder)
