

Updated on 4 July 2012

I have #autism. 

Specifically Aspergers, it's not fun, and it is often depressing not knowing how to handle the problems it causes. 
I am only getting limited support, from my wife, she has done a huge amount of research to help me, which is wonderful, she hasn't given up on me yet but sometimes feels I'd be better off alone, for my sake!
But, hey, I am in love with here, and we are almost like twins!
Except for the Autism!

Over 6 weeks ago, I went to seek medical attention and support, as a result I was told that a mental health team were suppposed to contact me, the doctor knew at the time that I was feeling suicidal, as this is how badly my condition affects me. 

I have not got myself a new prescription of antidepressants for four weeks now because they don't seem to affect me. I've used them many times before in my life, and all they do is up the dosage. They treat me like I am depressed, no depressed and suicidal, not mentally different, not fragile and confused. 

I just feel like I am not important. Even worth a thought by them.

I've found out about the mercury that are in syringes that directly cause symptoms including Autism, overnight (there is also a news documentary story about this happening to a toddler).

That really concerns me! my wife also found out that people who know about in in the profession, chemists, manufacturer employees, get instantly struck off and sacked for mentioning the terrible things put in these vaccines. Not just mercury.

So I at least expect some attention. Or is it that because all modern practice doctors know is medicine and chemical balances, not natural remedies and nutritional health.