
Son-Of-A-Bitch Mouse Solves Maze Researchers Spent Months Building | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

This is excellent!

Despite attempts to condition the mouse by screaming directly into its face, the researchers reported that the subject smugly completed the second and third runs of the three- dimensional spatial task with ease.

Son-Of-A-Bitch Mouse Solves Maze Researchers Spent Months Building | The Onion - America's Finest News Source: "Despite attempts to condition the mouse by screaming directly into its face, the researchers reported that the subject smugly completed the second and third runs of the three- dimensional spatial task with ease."

This story reminds me of this image, and of TV cartoon series "Pinky and The Brain", to the fact that it's like something that could happen in that cartoon, with Pinky screaming at him, preventing Brain from taking over the world... Pinky and The Brain "The Maze"

I had no idea that Rob Paulson who's name was shortened to "Bob" in Fight Club was the voice of "Pinky".

I'm thinking obviously that the writer of Fight Club (originally a book), Chuck Palahniuk


  1. That "son-of-a-bitch mouse" has more brains than the droogs in Crawley, and this is why it completed their "maze". However, if it was son-of-a-bitch Crawley chav" and at the other end of the maze was a rock of crack they could hit 2 birds with one stone, they could get some data and make comical viewing at the same time. Classic.

  2. I'll leave that in your more than capable hands.

  3. Well, we'll probably see that when Grand Theft Auto comes out at the end of the month...


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